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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Version 2018-1 

1.    Introduction

2.    Definitions

3.    When do we collect Personal Information?

4.    What personal data is processed and for what purpose?

5.    How long is your personal data saved?

6.    Cookies

7.    Your rights with respect to JS Energi

8.    Consent to Processing your Personal Data

9.    With whom do we share your Personal Information?

10. How do we protect your personal information?

11. Notification of violation and damages resulting therefrom

12. Supervision and compliance

13. Other

14. Effect and amendment of the Integrity Policy

15. How did you come in contact with us?


1 Introduction

This Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") has been designed to make you aware that JS Energi AB ("JS Energi", "we", "us") processes your personal information in a lawful, purposeful and safe manner, henceprotecting your privacy. The Privacy Policy describes how

JS Energi AB, org. No. 556998-5830, Granitgatan 9, 254 68 Helsingborg, E-mail:, Tel. Nos. 042-400 10 01,

collects, uses, shares and stores your personal data, as well as your rights under the provisions of the EU Data Protection Ordinance (EU) 2016/679 and its implementing regulations and additional data protection laws ("Data Protection Regulation").

The privacy policy applies when JS Energi provides goods and services in connection with ordering, purchase, support and service matters and in all other contact with JS Energi, such as visits to our websites,,,,,, ( "Website") and email inquiries.

JS Energi is personally responsible for processing your personal information that JS Energi collects in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


2. Definitions

In this Privacy Policy, the term "personal data" refers to information that is connected to an identified or identifiable natural person, such as a name, an address, a social security number, date of birth, property identification, debit card number and account number, e-mail and telephone number ("Personal Information").

In this Privacy Policy, we describe how we use your Personal Information. "Usage" means, for example, that we register, store, send and otherwise use your Personal Data in the manner described in this Privacy Policy (“Usage”).


3. When do we collect Personal Information?

Processing of Personal Data is a prerequisite for JS Energi to provide goods, services or other information to you and for JS Energi to be able to fulfil the agreement concluded between JS Energi and you with reference to ordering and purchasing our goods and services.

JS Energi collects and otherwise processes or may process your Personal Data when you make an order or purchase on our website, by email, phone or customer visit, when using our customer support, hire us for service purposes as well as when using our "contact us" service available on the site or when you otherwise contact JS Energi regarding to our services, for example through the chat feature on our Website.

The Personal Information we collect is information that you provide to JS Energi when you become a customer and when you communicate with us and Personal Data created when you use any of our services - for example, when you visit our website, call or send e-mail. Information collected from you when ordering and purchasing is required to enter an agreement with JS Energi, while information gathered from you via, for example, the "contact us" feature on our website or through other forms on the Site, is processed to help us be able to return to you.

We also collect Personal Information by using our website cookies (small text files placed on your device), which collect information from your web browser to provide you with a good experience when using our website and our online services.

We can also retrieve information from third parties. Data retrieved from third parties is protected by the methods described in this Privacy Policy. Such third-party sources include:

·       Address details via third party service for address update, and

·       Personal data from ex. SPAR register, used for credit assessment.

JS Energi only collects Personal Data that is necessary and relevant for the purposes described above. What information we collect about you depends on the context of your interactions with JS Energi, your choices and which of our goods / services you requested / ordered / purchased.

You can make choices regarding certain Personal Information we collect. When you are asked to submit Personal Data, you can choose to decline. In a case when you choose not to provide necessary information to access a particular service / product / feature, there is a risk that you will not be able to use / purchase the specific service / product.


4. What personal data is processed and for what purpose?

The Personal Data that JS Energi processes from you as a customer on our website are as follows:

Customer information collected to enable delivery of goods

·      Type of business (company / private person)

·      Mobile number

·      First and last name

·      Address, zip code, postcode and country

·      Delivery Address

·      E-mail address

Customer information collected to enable accounting and billing

·      Same information as for delivery, see above

·      IP address based on fraud traceability

·      Personal account number (only for invoice purchases)

·      Payment media (bank details in the form of credit card number and security code)

·      Customer reference number

Information collected to enable support

·      Same information as for delivery, see above

·      Description of the model and production year of the heating system

·      Information about manufacturer of the heating system

Personal Data is required for the Usage of JS Energi to provide sales, delivery and support for goods / services in order to fulfil an agreement made with you. The Personal Data collected to Enable Delivery of Goods is also stored to allow subsequent resale by providing you with offers and benefits such as discounts, general and personal offers, invitations to events, or gifts or other direct mail or direct marketing by e-mail, based on your legitimate interest. Balancing of interests is based on the fact that you, as a previous customer, will be able to receive favourable offers from us. Among the factors in this balancing of interests, JS Energi takes care to ensure that it does not include sensitive personal data and that JS Energi has a clear business interest in the process and that this business interest is a legitimate interest. The processing of the data is carried out to increase JS Energi's sales and to enable JS Energi to market its goods and services efficiently to you as a customer.

Customer information collected to enable sales

·      Photographs on the object

·      Mobile phone number

·      Description of property

·      Address, zip code and postcode

·      First and last name

·      E-mail address

Customer information collected to consolidate an order confirmation

·      Same information as for sales, see above

·      Copy of driving license (only in exceptional cases)

·      Personal account number

·      Customer reference number

·      Customer's signature in scanned format

·      Billing address

·      Approval from landowner in case of lease and leaseholder information

Information collected to enable installation

·       Same information as for sale, see above

·       Information about servitude

·       Information about soil conditions

·       Information about building permits

·       Information about underground installations

·       Information from Sweden's geological survey

Customer information collected to enable accounting and billing

·       Same information as for sales, see above

·       Customer reference number

·       Invoice Address

·       Invoice Labeling

·       Serial number of the heating system

·       Any documents from the Swedish Tax Agency or other government agencies

·       Type of heating system (manufacturer and model)

·       Information about related parties in the use of ROT or other government / municipal subsidies (such as contact details and Personal Account numbers)

Customer information processed to provide support and warranty

·       Same information as for sales, see above

·       Installation date

·       Type of heating system

·       Serial number and model of the heating system

·       Warranty Duration

·       Installed Accessories

Personal Information is required for JS Energi to Process to provide a preliminary quote, offer a customer visit, complete a quote, issue an order confirmation, install the product, and to offer you support and warranty commitments in order to fulfil an agreement made with you.

Customer information collected to enable customer status validation and file registration

·       First name and last name

·       Contact person's phone number

·       Address, zip code and postcode

·       Reported error

·       Type of the heating system

·       Description of the installation

·       Model and manufacturer of the heating system

·       Serial number of the heating system

Customer information collected to enable execution of service

·       Same information as for validation, see above

·       E-mail address

Customer information collected to enable follow-up

·       Same information as for service execution, see above

Customer information required for accounting and billing

·       Same information as for follow up, see above

·       Customer reference number

·       Invoice Address

·       Invoice Labeling

·       Type of heating system (manufacturer and model)

·       Serial number of the heating system

·       Information about related parties in the use of ROT or other government / municipal subsidies (such as name, address, telephone number and Personal Account number)

·       Any documents from the Swedish Tax Agency or other government agencies and authorities

This Personal Information is necessary for JS Energi to possess, in order to ensure your status as a customer, because different customer statuses have different support levels associated with them. In addition, Personal Data is used to book a physical visit and to guarantee that we arrive at the correct address, diagnose problems with the item, repair the goods, and provide support and supportive services in order to fulfil an agreement made with you. The legal basis for processing your personal data as above is for the execution of an agreement made with you.

The Personal Data that JS Energi collects and processes in order to provide maintenance services and online services are:

Customer Information

·       First and last name

·       Contact person's phone number

·       Address, zip code and postcode

·       Type of heating system

·       Environmental description of the installation

·       Model and manufacturer of the heating system

·       Serial number

Digital information

·       Mac address of the connection

·       IP address of the connection

·       Type of connection (subcontractor)

·       Operator for mobile connection

·       Physical location of connection equipment

·       Software version of the heat pump

·       Control type and operating system of the heating system

Information for accounting and billing

·       Same information as for customer info, see above

·       Customer reference

·       Invoice Address

·       Invoice Labeling

·       Type of heating system

·       Serial number of the heating system

·       Information about related parties in the use of ROT or other government / municipal subsidies

·       Any documents from the Swedish Tax Agency

Maintenance service is a service performed on site or remotely on your behalf. Up-to-date services are services carried out with the aid of digital connection to the heating system. The above-mentioned Personal Data is required to be processed by JS Energi to be able to fulfil its promise of support for diagnosing product problems, repairing goods, and providing support and support services for the execution of agreement with you.

The Personal Information that JS Energi collects and processes while using our chat function, the "Contact Us" button found on the Website or when you contact us via an online form, as well as with other communications with JS Energi regarding a product / service, including first and last name, email, telephone number and correspondence with you, is processed to allow us to fulfil an agreement made with you.

Some of the Personal Data that JS Energi collects are processed in order to comply with legal obligations, as required by laws, judicial decisions or governmental decisions. Such requirements may, for example, refer to product liability and product safety requirements, such as the provision of communications and information to the public and customers regarding product alarms and product recalls, for example in the event of suspicion of a defect or health hazard or to the extent required by the Accounting Act (1999: 1078) or Money Laundering Act (2017: 630) and may be attributed to an individual. Personal data treated with legal basis for fulfilling legal obligations are:

·       Contact details

·       Payment history

·       E-mail

·       Phone number

·       Personal account number

·       Correspondence with you

·       Details of the time of purchase, the defect in / complaint about the product


5. For how long are your personal details stored?

Your Personal Information will only be stored for as long as there is a need to keep it to fulfil the purposes for which the Personal Data was collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In order to enable JS Energi to comply with the legal obligations arising from law (bookkeeping, product safety, money laundering, etc.) or to monitor JS Energi's legal interests (if a legal process is in progress), JS Energi may save Personal Data for a longer time. However, personal data will be saved as long as necessary and / or statutory for the purpose.

If you, as a customer, purchased a spare part for a heating system or a completely new heating system and utilise the possibility of support throughout the lifetime of the spare part or heating system, the Personal Data necessary to complete the lifelong support agreement will be stored throughout this period of time. The life expectancy of a new heating system is 17 years, so the Personal Data collected in order to fulfil the contractual lifelong support contract for reactive service and maintenance service will be collected throughout this period. If you have chosen not to have access to lifelong support, your Personal Information will be stored for as long as it is necessary to fulfil any warranty commitments and complaints, which is a period of three years from the date of purchase.

Personal data on existing customers for marketing purposes is stored for only one year after the customer relationship expires, that is, after the goods or service has been delivered and paid, the warranty period has expired or our commitment to you has expired. If you do not wish us to keep Personal Data for marketing purposes during this time, please contact us and object to this in writing.

Personal information provided to us through, among other things, chat conversation, in connection with conversations with customer service, etc. and which do not lead to a purchase, is deleted after six months.

The current chat feature on the website as well as user recordings are anonymous until the customer voluntarily gives us the information by filling out forms on our site.


6. Cookies

When you visit the Website you should be informed that we use cookies, for more information about how we treat cookies in our cookie policy.


7. Your rights in relation to JS Energi

In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, you are entitled to receive information about the Personal Data we collect and the Purpose of doing so, the Legal Basis of the Personal Data Processed, the Duration of utilisation, who is taking part in processing your Personal Data and the outcomes of the collection. In addition, as a registered person you have a number of rights arising from the Data Protection Regulation. Below are the rights that you can claim by contacting us. Contact information can be found at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Access right

You are entitled, free of charge, to request information about the utilisation of your Personal Data. You are also entitled to receive a copy of the information we possess about you. This request should be submitted in writing to us with clarification as to what information you wish to retrieve. We will answer your request without unnecessary delay. If we cannot fulfil your requests for accessing the information in your request, we will provide reasons for that. The copy of your Personal Information will be sent to your public address unless otherwise agreed in writing. In order to ensure your identity at the request of you, we may request further information from you.

Right to rectification

The primary responsibility to ensure that the personal data utilised by JS Energi is correct and safe lies on us. If you inform JS Energi that the Personal Data you provided to us is no longer accurate, JS Energi will promptly correct, block or erase such Personal Data. However, you as a registered person have the right to supplement missing information, block irrelevant information, and correct incorrect or incomplete information about yourself.

You are entitled to request that JS Energi, without unnecessary delay, erases your Personal Information and thereby removes it. Personal data should be deleted in following cases:

1.     if personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected,

2.     if you revoke your consent and the process is based solely on consent as a legal basis,

3.     if the information is for direct marketing and you oppose that your Personal Data is used for this purpose,

4.     if you oppose the utilisation of personal data that takes place after balancing of interests and your interest outweighs ours,

5.     if your Personal Data has not been processed in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, or

6.     if deletion is required to fulfil a legal obligation.

There may be obligations for JS Energi that prevent us from immediately deleting all your Personal Information. These obligations are governed by applicable legislation in, for example, accounting and tax legislation. If certain Personal Data cannot be erased due to applicable legislation, JS Energi will ensure that this Personal Data can only be used to fulfil such legal obligations and not for other purposes.

Right to restriction

You are entitled to request that JS Energy temporarily restricts the use of your Personal Data. Limited usage may be requested in the following cases:

·       if you believe that the Personal Information we have about you is incorrect and that you in connection with this have requested rectification,

·       when the usage of your Personal Data is not in accordance with the rules of the Data Protection Regulation, but you still do not want your Personal Information to be deleted, but rather limited, and

when we no longer need your Personal Data for the purposes of our services and when you require it to be able to determine, claim or defend a legal claim.

When you object to our Processing of your Personal Data, the use of your Personal Data may be limited while investigations are being conducted. When limiting your Personal Information, JS Energi will only save your Personal Information and, upon further usage, acquire your consent.

Right to data portability

You are entitled, in case we process your Personal Data through an obtained consent from you or to fulfil a contractual obligation with you, to require JS Energi to provide all of the Personal Data that we have about you and that all the information is processed in an automated manner, in a structured and machine-readable format. For example, this may be relevant to you if you want to switch to another provider. If technically possible, you are also entitled to request that we transfer your Personal Data to another Personal Data Administrator.

Right to object

You are entitled to object to our usage of Your Personal Data if the usage is based on a balancing of interest. In these cases, JS Energi will ask you to specify which usage you object to. If you object to some usage, we will only proceed with the processing of your personal data if there are legitimate reasons for the usage that outweigh your interests.


8. Consent to Processing of Personal Data

Some usage of your Personal Data can be based on your approval. This is the case, for example, when you tick the box on our website that you wish to receive newsletters or similar marketing. Therewith you decide to grant your consent to the intended usage and to revoke your consent to such personal data processing. If you wish to withdraw your consent, please contact us in the manner explained below or by following the link in the newsletter.


9. With whom do we share your Personal Information?

In order to provide some of our services / products we hire selected third parties. This means that we share some of the Personal Information collected about you, e.g with JS Energi's group including associated companies and other partners, as well as mapping and communication service providers. JS Energi undertakes, in connection with such sharing or transfer of your Personal Data to such selected third parties technical and organisational measures to ensure that your Personal Data is handled securely and safely. These selected third parties will only process your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and to fulfil any of the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. JS Energi is responsible to you for these third parties to process your personal information in a correct and legal manner.

If you apply for a credit when purchasing a product or service, your information may be disclosed to credit evaluation services.

JS Energi may share your Personal Data to non-EU / EEA countries, if any of JS Energi's suppliers or partners are located there. If Personal Data is transferred to any non-EU / EEA country, JS Energi will take measures to ensure that your Personal Data remains protected and also take the necessary measures to share your Personal Data to non-EU / EEA countries in a legal manner.

JS Energi may be required to provide your personal information upon request by law and authority decision. Such disclosure may, for example, be made to the police or to the Swedish Tax Agency.

JS Energi will not sell your Personal Information to third parties unless we have received your approval.


10. How do we protect your personal data?

To protect your personal privacy, detect, prevent and limit the risk of hacker attacks, etc., JS Energi takes a series of technical and organisational information security measures. This occurs when transferring sensitive personal information such as credit card numbers and passwords, etc. through the internet, these Personal Data are protected by encryption. JS Energi also takes action to protect your Personal Data against unauthorised access, abuse, disclosure, change and destruction. JS Energi ensures that access to your Personal Information is provided only to employees who need it for the completion of their duties, making sure they stay confidential at all times.


11. Notification of infringement and damages

If you believe that your Personal Data has been used in violation of the Data Protection Regulation, you should report it to us as soon as possible. You can also file a complaint to the Data Inspectorate. For more information on how to do this, visit

If you, as a result of your Personal Data being used in violation with the Data Protection Regulation, have suffered material or immaterial damage, you may be entitled to compensation from us for the resulted damage. In these cases, you may bring a case of the damages to court.


12. Supervision and compliance

JS Energi ensures that all new employees are provided with this Privacy Policy for the best protect of your Personal Data. JS Energi evaluates this Privacy Policy annually.


13. Other

JS Energi's services may in some cases be subject to third party terms. JS Energi is not responsible for the use of your Personal Data by such third parties that are themselves personal data administrators and are responsible for the usage of your Personal Data. Thus, it is important that you as a customer take into account and read through the terms of a third-party, e.g. in connection with the use of our payment service and order delivery of a product or a service ordered from us, because any credit institution and shipping company processes your Personal Data in accordance with their own terms. The same applies if there is a link on our site that leads you to other sites.


14. Amendment of the Privacy Policy

JS Energi reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy when JS Energi considers that this is necessary to comply with applicable law. Such changes are mainly called for in the event of any legislative changes, due to statements from the supervisory authority or other authorities issuing orders on the basis of applicable data protection rules. In addition, this Privacy Policy will be updated as needed as a result of changes in our goods and services.

When this Privacy Policy is updated, the latest update date changes presented at the top of this policy. If JS Energi makes major changes to this Privacy Policy or changes anything regarding how we process your Personal Data, you will be notified before the change is made.


15. How do you get in contact with us?

If you have questions regarding this Privacy Policy or the Usage of your Personal Data, you wish to make a request in accordance with the Privacy Policy or to report violation of this Privacy Policy, etc. please feel free to contact us